When I found out the writers of John Wick had a new movie starring Bob Odenkirk performing action/fight scenes, I was pretty skeptical. Well, joke’s on me, because this movie fucking rocks.
Bob was one of the last people I envisioned doing convincing action, but wow. Thanks to a combination of hard work on his part combined with great cinematography and fight choreography, these fight scenes are excellent.
One of the things I like the most, and something that is a stark contrast to a lot of other action movies, is that his character takes a massive beating in this film. A lot of action movies portray the protagonist as an unstoppable wrecking machine, barely taking damage or significant hits as they mow down endless waves of disposable bad guys.
In this movie, Bob spends a LOT of time getting his ass kicked. He isn’t some superhuman. His opponents are solid rivals/challenges for him, even when it’s just a handful of punks, like in this clip. It’s a realistic world where another human – particularly several at once – is the challenge it should be. It makes for a very refreshing action experience.
If you’ve never seen this, it’s a great popcorn movie. Hell, it even features an ancient Christopher Lloyd in a limited role as his dad, and even HE kicks ass! If that’s not a reason to run out and see it, I dont know what is.