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Skkra recommends… avoiding Bullet Train!

I wanted to like this movie. I really did. I wasn’t sure how I felt it at the time, but having had a little time to digest it now, I’m going to say that it’s not worth watching.

The best way I can think to describe it is that it’s a movie that wants to be Snatch. Snatch is amazing. It’s filled with spectacular and quotable dialogue, extremely memorable characters, incredibly stylish direction, and a great soundtrack.

Bullet Train is trying ridiculously hard to be all of those things, but has none of the effortless fun and charisma that Snatch just exudes nonstop. It’s filled with kitschy characters, but they don’t quite have that “it” factor that makes them memorable and likable. The movie is filled with attempts at “clever” little quips and conversations, but it feels forced and falls flat.

All the acting is fine, and Brad Pitt is good as always, but even he can’t save this movie. It’s tries way too hard, and unfortunately doesn’t succeed, having none of that Snatch magic that it feels so desperate to emulate.